2020 Nakation: Lovely coinage discovered!
It is a simple, compelling coinage: “naked vacation” is just “nakation” – short, remains in your mind!
As you may discover by browsing through the following citates, this means helpful information by media, fun, a wonderful, healthy lifestyle, and also a serious, growing business.
Have fun living your personal lifestyle in the nude, stay naktiv, plan your next nakation.
Articles about the topic “nakation” present i.e. these related topics:
Increase in body-positive messaging in the media
The latest travel trend is the naked vacation
Nude recreation is fast becoming a billion-dollar-a-year-industry
Nakation on Ile du Levant, France
Nakation prescribed for therapeutic reasons
First time in a naturist camp, yet a beloved lifestyle
► Nakation: increase in body-positive messaging in the media
Cit: “If you've ever dreamed of walking through your favorite resort in your birthday suit or soaking under the sun with nothing more than SPF 30 on your body, then maybe you are in need of a nakation. Forbes recently coined the new buzzword that they anticipate catching on quickly in 2020. From the popularity of sustainable travel to the increase in body-positive messaging in the media, nude vacations could be the latest travel trend.”
– Read more:
“Introducing Nakations – Nude Vacations, And They Are Growing In Popularity” (travelnoire.com)
► Nakation: naked vacation the latest travel trend
Cit: “Forget eco-travel and medical tourism, the latest travel trend is the naked vacation – the ‘nakation’ – with nude cruises, couples' resorts and clothing-free getaways increasingly appealing to millennial holidaymakers. […] Travel industry experts suggest that nude recreation is fast becoming a billion dollar-a-year industry. It's certainly bringing in big bucks in Florida, where the state's tourism department reports that nude recreation made a US$7.4 billion economic impact in the Sunshine State last year.”
– Read more:
“Nude cruises and ‘nakation’ resorts – why holidays without clothes are life’s next naked pleasure” (scmp.com)
► Nakation: nude recreation fast becoming a billion-dollar-a-year-industry
Cit: “The ‘nakation’ — aka clothing-optional tourism — is becoming one of the fastest-growing segments of the travel industry. […] Travel industry experts suggest that nude recreation is fast becoming a billion-dollar-a-year industry. It's certainly bringing in big bucks in Florida, where the state's tourism department reports that nude recreation made a $7.4 billion economic impact in the Sunshine State last year.”
– Read more:
“Are you ready for a ‘nakation’?” (tampabay.com)
► Nakation: on Ile du Levant, France
Cit: “If you’re a keen advocate for naturism, and you haven't yet made a visit to Ile du Levant, you need to move that up on your bucket list. It’s one of a handful of places that has self-identified as the birthplace of naturism.”
– Read more:
“A naturist's blog: The ‘Right to Bare All’ … and other news from Ile du Levant” (meanderingnaturist.com)
► Nakation: prescribed for therapeutic reasons
Cit: “If you ask Nick and Lins, the virtues of the ‘nakation’ even border on the therapeutic. ‘A lady we met in a naturist resort in Thailand told us this story about how her friend was advised by a psychiatrist to give nudism a try’, says Nick. The woman overcame her fragilities and issues, largely due to the shared vulnerability and sense of conquered fear she experienced as a result of nuding up with others. ‘When we met a psychologist at a nudist resort in Mexico, we told her this story. Her reply was pretty simple: «Oh, I prescribe that all the time.»’.”
– Read more:
“All-nude travel for the masses? Behind the rise of the ‘nakation’” (adventure.com)
► Nakation: first time in a naturist camp, yet a beloved lifestyle
Cit: “He's Canadian, she's English. They are both stark naked.
They are on 'nakation', the term for holidaying without clothes, at Katikati Naturist Park, the only private nudist park in the North Island and one of only two private naturist holiday resorts in New Zealand, although there are 17 landed clubs around the country.
The couple spotted a road sign pointing to the naturist park on the highway towards Tauranga, and turned down the 1.5km rural lane to discover the camp, set in 5.7 hectares of native bush alongside the Uretara stream.
It's their first time in a naturist camp.
‘If you had asked me five years ago would I be in a place like this, I would have said no. To the outside, it may seem weird but it's really not. It's chill, relaxed.’”
– Read more:
“Local Focus: Bay a hot spot for 'nakation', with nudist cafe & nude karaoke” (nzherald.co.nz)
NZ · 2020 Vera Alves (NZ Herald): New Zealand, we need to talk.
Cit: “[…] For such a progressive country […] we've still got some pretty archaic views on things.
This week alone, we've had headlines about a mum being asked to cover up while breastfeeding her child and a family shocked after spotting a group of naked swimmers in a public reserve.
Does any major trauma come from seeing a stranger's intimate body parts?
If the answer is yes, you've really got to start asking yourself why. […] If you're getting your knickers in a twist, maybe the knickers are the problem.” – Read more:
Comment: Nothing wrong – and lots right – with a bit of public nudity (nzherald.co.nz)
D · Nude to the Theaterhaus Jena on 15 february for the play 'Nackt' [23 January 2020]
Several performances of the play "Nackt" [en: "Nude"] , written by the Dutch director Lizzy Timmers, are currently taking place at the Theaterhaus Jena.
Information about the play and the performance (theaterhaus-jena.de)
What could be more obvious with this topic than to open at least one of the performances to interested naturists? So, some of them have taken the initiative and asked the theatre for such an event. The theatre management is open and positive about the idea and now invites spectators to attend the performance on Saturday, 15 February 2020 in the nude.
Link to the theatre's playing schedule (theaterhaus-jena.de)
Part of the auditorium will be reserved for naturists. If you would like to participate, you can register here.
The theatre itself also announces the event as "FKK-Tag" [en: "naturist day"] both in the programme and in a flyer and also accepts registrations. We hurried up, because the theatre hall is relatively small and the number of seats in the hall is limited!
D · 2019 Andreas Schlüter (FAZ): Self-experiment of hiking in the buff on a naturist educational trail
Andreas Schlüter, a reporter of the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), reports in a FAZ+ article about his first hiking in the buff:
"The first quarter of an hour is like a nightmare, from which there is no awakening, because it is not a dream, but simply the most embarrassing thing I have ever experienced. I stand stark naked, wearing only sneakers, on a small parking lot somewhere between the villages of Wesel and Wehlen in the Lüneburger Heide [en: Lüneburg Heath]. An early autumn sun shines mildly, and in the distance you can see purple flowering heather. At least, that's for sure."
This is the beginning of the article, which also reports on the long, naturist past of the Lüneburger Heide with the Lichtschulheim founded by the Lebensreform1 movement. But after all, the author returns to his current, personal situation and notes after an initially felt embarrassment:
"And suddenly, there are completely different sensations. There's the immediacy of sun and wind, even on parts of the body, which are otherwise hidden in the dark. One perceives every breeze of wind, just as one immediately registers every cloud pushing in front of the sun. […] And suddenly, there are completely different sensations. There's the immediacy of sun and wind, even on parts of the body, which are otherwise hidden in the dark. One perceives every breeze of wind, just as one immediately registers every cloud pushing in front of the sun. […] At some point, one also gets an idea of what must have made the Lebensreformer1 of the early twentieth century tick. This nudity in the open nature is – embarrassment or not – above all stunning. Something like a feeling of being content and even happy by hiking nude in the sun emerges."
To read the full article "Auf dem Naturistenweg: Vom Anblick nackter Menschen" (faz.net), you need to register. FAZ+ articles can be accessed during 30 days for free, from then 2,95 €/week for one year – can be cancelled at any time:
“Auf dem Naturistenweg: Vom Anblick nackter Menschen” (faz.net)
Well, such beautiful feelings might encourage you, to try it out for yourself – at the next opportunity!
1 More information on that term provides the natury website in "Naturist movement".
CH · 2019 Zum Nacktwandern nach Deutschland – NZZ compares hiking in the buff in Switzerland and Germany
In an article – Thanks to Bernd for the link! – "Zum Nacktwandern nach Deutschland", Swiss daily newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) compares the situation of hiking in the buff with that in other countries and cites the experiences of Philipp, who regularly travels from Switzerland to Germany to hike in the buff. – Read more:
“Zum Nacktwandern nach Deutschland” (nzz.ch)
D · 2019 Hiking in the buff starting from naturist camping site at the Rätzsee
Fabian of the naturist camping site at the Rätzsee had initiated a nude hike in the surrounding area on 27 July, which was accompanied by a team of NDR Nordmagazin. The idea is, to set up another official nude hiking trail here. This is Fabian's short report:
In beautiful sunshine 16 nude hikers met on 27 July at the naturist camping site. Accompanied by an NDR film team and with the guidance of a certified landscape and hiking guide, they went to the the immediate surroundings of the camping site and the woods at the Rätzsee. According to the motto "Experience nature up close-up", the TV team shot a feature for the NDR Nordmagazin. The article informs about nude hiking in Germany and presents the idea, to establish an official nude hiking trail at the Rätzsee. It has been known as a naturist destination of the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte [en: Mecklenburg Lake District] since the 1960s. – Watch the video:
“Erster offizieller FKK-Wanderweg in MV geplant” (ndr.de)
D · 2019 Regional newspaper Sächsische Zeitung informs about nude cyclists and hikers in the buff
Regional newspaper Sächsische Zeitung refers to an attentive photographer on the banks of the Elbe River, who was able to have his camera at the ready in the town 'Stadt Wehlen' to capture an image of passing nude cyclists.
Word is getting around in the region, that naturist activities on foot, by bike, and by boat are currently shaping leisure activities. But, this is not a new development in this region of Germany, just the continuation of a good, old, and proven tradition.
Translation of the article:
"Oups, qui fait du vélo dans la ville de Stadt Wehlen ? Le week-end dernier, un groupe de cyclistes à poil a attiré la curiosité de beaucoup. La vue était assez surprenante pour certains d'entre eux, bien que le sujet des activités nues ne soit pas du tout nouveau en Suisse saxonne. Non seulement les cyclistes nus sont naturellement actifs en plein air, mais on a déjà vu des randonneurs nus."
D · 2019 Halterner Zeitung informs about Westfälische Naturistentage
The Halterner Zeitung informs their readers very early in advance about the Westphalian Naturist Days, which begin on 17 August in Münsterland. A longer article prepares the citizens of Haltern for the fact, that naturist hikers will be increasingly on the way in their environment – which does not encounter problems in Haltern however usually. Nudity is not uncommon in this region anyway due to the naturist area at Silbersee II near Haltern – even nude hikers are on the move around the Westphalian town more often than elsewhere.
Translated cit. from that article: "Especially in the Hohe Mark, nude hikers are more frequently on the move.", tells a rider, who often is on the way with her animals.
D · 2019 Nackt ist frei [en: Nude means free] – Berlin city magazine ZITTY sees some naturist renaissance
Berlin city magazine ZITTY published an article "Nackt ist frei" [en: Nude means free"] (zitty.de):
Translated cit. from that article: 'Until a few years ago, it seemed as if naturism was becoming increasingly unpopular. But recently, naturism has been experiencing a some renaissance: in naturist clubs and in shared flats, in some Berlin clubs and at bathing lakes, with sex and without', and proves this statement with numerous descriptions of nude activities. In fact, Berlin offers, among other things, numerous opportunities for sports in the nude. – Read more:
“Nackt ist frei” (zitty.de) Regelmäßige Termine Nacktsport [en: recurrent events for nude sports]
F · 2019 Nu et approuvé – Nude theatre in front of an audience in the buff
To be nude on stage is normal for many actresses and actors since the 1960s. Sitting nude in the audience and watching the events on stage, is nothing new for groups of spectator, who follow a lifestyle in the buff. – natury reported, i.e. in 2016:
D · Tanzhaus nrw: »More than naked« – Choreography by Doris Uhlich [9 September 2016]
But the fact, that the entire audience in the theatre is obliged to be nude – that is a premiere in the Paris performance "Nu et approuvé" [en: Nude and approved] in 2019. If you come to the theater, you have to hand in all the clothes at the cloakroom after the entrance. The rush was great – many wanted to experience the spectacle. – Read more:
"Sie sind so frei” (welt.de)
"nu et approuvé” (facebook.com)
"« Nu et approuvé » : la première représentation naturiste” (youtube.com)
"Nu et approuvé", la première pièce naturiste à être représentée dans un grand théâtre parisien (youtube.com)
"Spectacle NU ET APPROUVÉ” (palaisdesglaces.com)
"Nu et approuvé", un spectacle naturiste au Palais des Glaces (francetvinfo.fr)
"Play’s audience and actors bare all” (connexionfrance.com)
Searching for "Nu et approuvé" will return numerous further sources in Internet.
An enquiry as to when similar rules would be introduced for football matches in the "Stade de France" has so far remained unanswered. One is probably still thinking about the consequences this would have for the security personnel in terms of labour policy: The naked spectators would have no chance at all to smuggle pyrotechnics or illicit projectiles into the stadium. So, you would need much less security personnel. Could the Sécurité staff be appointed instead as cloakroom attendants without their resistance? Perhaps with appropriate compensation for the loss of wages – otherwise there might be problems:
The Sécurité staff also wear yellow vests … – Read more:
D · 2018 Garmin adds hints concerning hiking in the buff
Garmin had already dealt with the subject of hiking in the buff several times (see below) and is now publishing new information on the subject: "Nacktwandern: Auf Wanderung wie Gott uns schuf?". – Read more:
“Nacktwandern: Auf Wanderung wie Gott uns schuf?” (GPS.de by Garmin)
D · 2018 Westfälische Nachrichten inform about hiking in the buff and law
Midsummery days of up to 29°C on 15 October prompted some naturists, to use the golden autumn for nude hikes or biking tours. So did R., who encountered on Sunday afternoon hundreds of weekend promenaders in the area of the Dortmund-Ems-Kanal Canal and the Venner Moor – Münsterland. One of them reported about his encounter with the nude hiker to the Münster daily newspaper Westfälische Nachrichten, who – after consulting police officers – published an informative article "Freie Körperkultur im Venner Moor – »Nacktwandern ist keine Belästigung«" for the readers. – Read more:
“Freie Körperkultur im Venner Moor – »Nacktwandern ist keine Belästigung«” (wn.de)
► D · 2018 Explanatory notes regarding the article "Freie Körperkultur im Venner Moor – »Nacktwandern ist keine Belästigung«"
The German title 'Freie Körperkultur im Venner Moor, „Nacktwandern ist keine Belästigung“' can be translated to: 'Naturism in Venner Moor, „Hiking in the buff is not a disturbance“'.
Background information: Disturbance of the public.
The article explains, that a journalist has contacted a spokesman of the police in Münster (Westf.) as well as a managing officer 'Citizen service and order' of the town-hall in Senden. The bottom line of the information stated in this article is, that hiking in the buff is neither a criminal, nor – in general – a regulatory offence in Germany.
D · 2018 Outdooractive: Take off your shoes – Hiking barefoot is a trend
Outdooractive explains "Barefoot hiking is the trend" and has created a blog article with all kinds of tips and links. Most of the tips are also valid, if you walk – in contrast to the photos shown there – "barefoot up to the top of your head", i.e. completely in the buff. – Read more:
“Take off your shoes: Barfußwandern liegt im Trend” (outdooractive.com)
D · 2018 ZEIT-Magazin: You need a body shape suitable for a bikini only, if you wear one
Weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT, KLARTEXT:
Personal memories of a then eight-year-old girl about the summer holidays in the GDR at the Baltic Sea. – Read more:
“Erdbeerarsch mit Schlagsahne” (zeit.de)
D · 2017 Westfälische Nachrichten and Münstersche Volkszeitung report on nude performance on the waterway
German daily newspapers report on our nude performance for the "Sculpture Projects Münster 2017" on Saturday evening gifted to inhabitants and visitors with headlines "Nackt-Performance auf dem Steg" [en: Nude performance on the waterway] and "Die Nackten erorbern die Kunst" [en: Nudes conquer the art] and promote this flash mob alike action as part of this festival. – Read more:
“D · German newspapers report about our nude performance on the waterway [29 August 2017]”
with links to the German articles and a translation of a comprehensive article by Münstersche Volkszeitung into English.
D · 2017 Durchblick reports on the subject of hiking in the buff
In its current issue 3/2017 on page 50/51 (below, there is a horizontal bar to thumb through the magazine), the magazine Durchblick for senior readers, which is published in Siegen, reports on the subject of hiking in the buff with the topic "Wandern ist der Nackten Lust", especially on the Rothaarsteig. – Read more:
“Durchblick: »Das Wandern ist der Nackten Lust«” (durchblick-siegen.de)
D · 2017 Sächsische Zeitung reports about hiking in the buff
The German newspaper Sächsische Zeitung reports "Nackt durch die Sächsische Schweiz" on nude hiking in Saxon Switzerland. – Read more:
“Nackt durch die Sächsische Schweiz” (sz-online.de)
D · 2016 Garmin discovers nude sports
Advertising for nude sports: "Nacktsport im Trend: Hose runter, Laufuhr an" [en: "Sports in the nude as a new trend: Pants down, running watch on"] – with a smart Garmin watch on your arm, of course. – Read more:
“Nacktsport im Trend: Hose runter, Laufuhr an” (GPS.de by Garmin, 2016)
D · 2016 County Court 'Dortmund': Being nude in your own garden remains allowed [5 July 2016]
Even if the property is visible from outside
The County Court Dortmund argued, that a man, who tends to relax nude on his property after a sauna session in the garden, may continue to do so. A neighbour had filed a lawsuit against him and now rescinded his claim, after the court had suggested, that because of the imminent rejection of the lawsuit.
D · 2016 'Westfälische Nachrichten: Nude in the countryside
The regional daily newspaper reports in an article "Nackt durch die Pampa" about the Westphalian naturist days 2016. – Read more:
“Nackt durch die Pampa” (wn.de) about the Westphalian naturist days 2016
D · 2014 Garmin discovers hiking in the buff
Advertising for hiking in the buff: "Hose runter, Rucksack auf: Nacktwandern in Deutschland" [en: "Pants down, rucksack on"] (GPS.de by Garmin, 2014) – with a smart Garmin navigation device, of course. – Read more:
“Hose runter, Rucksack auf: Nacktwandern in Deutschland” (GPS.de by Garmin, 2014)