NL · 2019 'Naked Tour' in the Kunsthal Rotterdam
After successful nude evenings in 2017 and 2018, the Kunsthal Rotterdam again offered a Naked Tour this year, this time as part of the exhibition "I'm your mirror" featuring art of the Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos.
Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (AD) reported on Monday in an article "In je blootje door de Kunsthal: kijken naar de expositie en een beetje naar elkaar" with photo and video. "We wanted to experience something different than usually.", explained Julia Frickl, visitor of the special evening opening time, to the newspaper. "You make yourself very vulnerable, looking at art and being in the nude. And let's be honest – of course you also want to see some nude bodies." Roland van der Kleij, who has already taken part in all the previous Naked Tours, finds it pleasant, according to the newspaper report, to be among "like-minded people." – "The distance between people is smaller this way".
D · 2019 's c h ö N a c k t – Aktfotografie Siegfried Haase': Exhibition of nude portraits in Neubrandenburg
In that exhibition, the Neubrandenburg regional museum has shown nudes from the estate of the photographer Siegfried Haase until 26 May 2019, entitled "s c h ö N a c k t – Aktfotografie Siegfried Haase". Information by the museum: "schöNackt" (
L · 2019 Guided tours for naturists in the Luxembourg art museum 'Villa Vauban'
The Musée d'Art de la Ville de Luxembourg exhibited "Plakeg! Le Nu autour de 1900" [en: Plakeg! The nude around 1900] from 16 March to 16 June in the "Villa Vauban". Cit.: "Towards the end of the 19th century there was a fundamental change in the perception of the nude. A generation of young, avant-garde artists wanted to break with the academic traditions of depicting the nude body."
The museum offers one-hour guided tours in several languages for naturist visitor groups on all days except Tuesdays by appointment. The opportunity to undress in the museum (and get dressed again after the tour) is offered. In addition to the entrance fee for a "tarif réduit" ( [en: reduced tariff], the (max. 15) participants of the guided tour must pay the fee for the art guide (100 EUR).
Information on the exhibition:
"Plakeg! The nude around 1900" (
Information (PDF – Guided tours for naturists: Cf. p. 26):
"Programme culturel & pédagogique" (
With this offer, the art museum in Luxembourg probably eclipses all efforts of other museums to attract nude visitors to an art exhibition. The exhibition is in cooperation with the 'Landesmuseum Hannover', where a nude visit to a museum for the similar exhibition "Nackt und bloß" took place – natury reported:
"D · Nude museum visit: On 5 May »Nackt und bloß« [en: »Naked and bare«]
in the Landesmuseum Hannover [en: Hanover State Museum] [5 May 2017]".
F · 2018 Palais de Tokyo, Paris
The Palais de Tokyo, a museum of contemporary art on the right bank of the Seine in Paris, had invited for a matinée on 5 May, where the museum visitors should show up in a naturist outfit.
The offer appeared so tempting to so many people, that the contingent of 161 tickets quickly attracted over 26,000 interested people. The motto "The banalisation of nudity should not be limited to the beach" addressed many people immediately.
"Paris : pour visiter le palais de Tokyo tout nu, c’est complet !" (
"Visite naturiste au Palais de Tokyo, un moment «inoubliable»" (
"Nous avons visité nus le Palais de Tokyo" (
"Visiter le Palais de Tokyo, nu comme un ver" (
"Le Palais de Tokyo exceptionnellement ouvert aux naturistes" (
D · 2017 Landesmuseum Hannover, Hanover
23 Naturists joined the exhibition curator on a guided tour of the exhibition and were informed about the development of nude painting and the changing attitudes to nudity and gender roles in the society of about 100 years ago, the paintings and graphics of Corinth and his underlying motivation.
"»Nackt und bloß«: Nudisten sehen sich Ausstellung an" (
D · 2016 Art Cologne, Cologne
The nude guided tours through Art Cologne with the artist are likely to be spectacular, with the public excluded. Only those, who accept to take part in the guided tour totally nude, may participate. Ringholt has already performed at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney and the National Gallery of Art in Canberra.
"Art Cologne: Nacktführungen über die Messe" (
D · 2015 LWL Museum, Münster (Westf.)
The LWL Museum für Kunst und Kultur in Münster has sent out its press release regarding the visit of 61 naturists to the museum. This was the reason for some daily newspapers to report in detail about the event. Example:
"Naturisten besuchen Kunst- und Kulturmuseum – Nackt im Museum" (
A blog article by one of the art educators of the museum, who had explained the works of art to the nude visitors, is impressive. She describes, among other things, how her initial skepticism developed into an explicit understanding of the concerns of naturist art lovers during the course of the tour:
"Nackte Tatsachen: Eine Führung der besonderen Art" (
A · 2013 Leopoldmuseum, Vienna
With the slogan NACKT ZU DEN NACKTEN MÄNNERN [en: NUDE TO THE NUDE MEN], the Leopold Museum in Vienna invited the public to four guided tours in the nude on 18 February 2013. Altogether, almost 300 female and male visitors in the altogether gathered. For the statisitcs: Visitors aged beetwen 20 and 70, 15 % of them female.
Strolling around the museum in the buff, appreciating and understanding art: This was the order of the day in the middle of February at the Leopold Museum in Vienna. »Nackte Männer in der Kunst« was the title of the exhibition, which presented top-class exhibits depicting nude men from ancient Egypt to the present, a period of 6.000 years.
"Nacktführung im Leopold Museum" (
"»Nackte Männer« – Hunderte bei Nudistenabend im Leopold-Museum" (
"Leopold: »Nackte Männer« für nacktes Publikum" (
"Nackte Männer und angezogene Medien im Leopold Museum" (
"Nach Protesten: Reklame für Ausstellung »Nackte Männer« wird zensuriert" (
AUS · 2012 ArtAsiaPacific, Sydney
"I was wearing two days of stubble on my chin, a squirt of cologne and nothing else. My wife was wearing hot red lipstick, magenta nail polish on her toenails and around her neck, a pink pearl pendant suspended from a fine gold chain. It glowed against her honey-colored skin. We stood side-by-side, holding hands, naked, along with 60 other souls who had signed up for an after-hours tour of the new galleries at Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA). Curiously, neither of us felt any embarrassment."
D · 2005 Leopoldmuseum, Vienna
»At 36°C [97°F] to the Naked Truth at the Leopold Museum in Vienna.« With this motto, the Leopold Museum invited nude visitors for the first time in 2005.
Cit.: "The entrance to the "Nuda Veritas" is free on Friday, 29 July, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. for all showing up nude or in a bathing costume!"
The cherry on the cake:
Responsibles for the museum came up themselves with the idea, to invite visitors in the nude as welcome guests during normal opening hours!